Oct 4, 2018

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Thursday Dance & Stretch

Thursday Dance & Stretch

Today’s workout is 7 walk videos followed by a thorough stretch. The walking part of workout is approximately 29 minutes of dance/walk videos followed by 16 minute post-workout stretch. This is the fourth in a series of 7 playlists that will include dance/walk and stretching/yoga videos. My Thursday Playlist is approximately 45 minutes long: The dance/walk selections today are from PraiseFit Ministries and REFITREV.  The closing video is from JessicaSmithTV. You can find the playlist on my YouTube Channel here: Karen’s Thursday Dance & Stretch...

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Oct 3, 2018

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Wednesday Dance & Stretch

Wednesday Dance & Stretch

I am probably splitting up my workout today  so I’ve chosen 3 walk videos that can be done separately or all at one time. Today’s workout is approximately 43 minutes of dance/walk videos followed by an 8 minute  Kitchen Barre workout. This is the third in a series of 7 playlists that will include dance/walk and stretching/yoga videos. My Wednesday Playlist is approximately 52 minutes long: The dance/walk selections today are from Jessica Smith and Walking Online Workouts.  The closing video is from Walking Online Workouts. You can find the playlist on my YouTube Channel here: Karen’s Wednesday Dance & Stretch...

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Oct 2, 2018

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Tuesday Dance & Stretch

Tuesday Dance & Stretch

Some of my work days are busier than others. I try to plan my workouts so that I can at least get a short workout in at the beginning of the day. Today’s workout is approximately 28 minutes of dance/walk videos followed by 10 minute flexibility workout. This is the second in a series of 7 playlists that will include dance/walk and stretching/yoga videos. My Tuesday Playlist is approximately 38 minutes long: Dance/walk selections are from REFITREV, Christian Zumba Dance...

Oct 1, 2018

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Monday Dance & Stretch

Monday Dance & Stretch

Today is Monday, October 1, 2018! New week means a new group of playlists for the week. This week I will focus on workout videos that combine dance steps with walking steps and then add in a few minutes of stretching or yoga to end the workout. This is the first in a series of 7 playlists that will include dance/walk and stretching/yoga videos. My Monday Playlist is approximately 39 minutes long: Dance/walk selections are from REFITREV, Christian...

Sep 30, 2018

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Sunday Step and Stretch

Sunday Step and Stretch

Sundays are a day to relax and restore! I usually do some kind of walk on Sunday but it may not be as long or as strenuous as other days. I also try to do some recovery yoga/stretching. This is the seventh in a series of 7 playlists that will include walking and stretching/yoga. My Sunday Playlist is approximately 51 minutes long: 20 Minute Walking Workout (from WalkingOnlineWorkouts.com) – 22:30 minutes Marching with Moves in Chicago (from Jenny...

Sep 29, 2018

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Saturday Step and Stretch

Saturday Step and Stretch

Saturdays can be busy but I always try to get in a good workout to kick off the weekend. This is the sixth in a series of 7 playlists that will include walking and stretching/yoga. My Saturday Playlist is approximately 49 minutes long: FITIN15 Cardio Party (from JessicaSmithTV.com) – 16:42 minutes Malibu March Across America (from Jenny Ford) – 12:37 minutes Restorative Flexibility and Stretch (from Jenny Ford) – 20:19 minutes You can find the playlist on my...

Sep 28, 2018

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Friday Step and Stretch

Friday Step and Stretch

Fridays always bring a sense of fun for me – the week is over and the weekend is coming! Today’s playlist starts off with a traditional walk video from Leslie Sansone, continues with some of my favorite songs from DanceFaithFitness and ends with a nice yoga session with Jessica Smith This is the fifth in a series of 7 playlists that will include walking and stretching/yoga. My Friday Playlist is approximately 48 minutes long: WAKE UP & Walk...

Sep 27, 2018

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Thursday Step and Stretch

Thursday Step and Stretch

Thursdays are a busy work day for me so this day’s playlist is a little shorter than those from earlier in the week. This is the fourth in a series of 7 playlists that will include walking and stretching/yoga. My Thursday Playlist is approximately 39 minutes long: 1 Mile Walk Fast “Wake and Walk” (from JessicaSmithTV.com) – 20:47 minutes 1 Mile Turkey Trot (from JessicaSmithTV.com) – 12:46 minutes 5 Minute Fix Total Body Stretch (from JessicaSmithTV.com) – 6:00...

Sep 26, 2018

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Wednesday Step and Stretch

Wednesday Step and Stretch

Yay! It’s Wednesday – Hump Day! Let’s start the day off right and get in some exercise before the day gets too busy. This is the third in a series of 7 playlists that will include walking and stretching/yoga. My Wednesday Playlist is approximately 31 minutes long: 1 Mile Fast Interval Walk (from JessicaSmithTV.com) – 14:56 minutes Short and Sweet Stretch (from JessicaSmithTV.com) – 16:57 minutes You can find the playlist on my YouTube Channel here: Karen’s Wednesday...

Sep 25, 2018

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Tuesday Step and Stretch

Tuesday Step and Stretch

Some days I do not feel like exercising, but having a plan makes it a bit easier for me to get those steps in! This is the second in a series of 7 playlists that will include walking and stretching/yoga. My Tuesday Playlist is approximately 46 minutes long: Autumn Walking Workout (from WalkingOnlineWorkouts.com) – 16:54 minutes All Mixed Up Walking Workout (from WalkingOnlineWorkouts.com) – 21:28 minutes 8 Minute Total Body Stretch (from JessicaSmithTV.com) – 7:48 minutes You can...

Sep 24, 2018

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Monday Step and Stretch

Monday Step and Stretch

I am a walker. I try to get in at least 2 miles a day. Many days I choose to do workout videos. YouTube has so many options to choose from that I have put together a few playlists with some of my favorites for each day of the week. This is the first in a series of 7 playlists that will include walking and stretching/yoga. My Monday Playlist is approximately 52 minutes long: Big Sky Walking Workout...

Sep 22, 2018

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Step into Autumn!

Step into Autumn!

And all at once summer collapsed into fall. ~Oscar Wilde The back-to-school sales are long over. Halloween candy, Thanksgiving decorations and Christmas ornaments have adorned store aisles for several weeks. Still, to me, summer is not officially over simply because the school buses are delivering neighborhood children to and from the schools. Summer end when fall truly arrives! Good-bye Summer! Hello, Fall! This evening, the Fall Equinox is at 8:48pm. I always look forward to this time of...

Apr 28, 2018

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Welcome, Zoey!

Welcome, Zoey!

Yes, we did it again! Welcome to the newest addition to our family, Zoey! She is about 6 months old and we are happy to welcome her into our family. We adopted Zoey from Cache Creek Rescue, the same shelter where we adopted Baxter in October,...

Oct 12, 2016

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Welcome, Baxter!

Welcome, Baxter!

  It’s been over a year since our Chelsea girl crossed over to the rainbow bridge. Our hearts have been open to adopting another dog. I wanted a female. Short haired. Small dog. And then, I saw this picture on Facebook. Bosco was his name. No, no, no! I thought, he looks like a lab mix. A big dog. A boy dog. Resist! I kept seeing his picture. This was posted on October 1, 2016. Look at that...

May 19, 2016

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T-Mobile & Channeling My Inner B...

T-Mobile & Channeling My Inner B

I am, but most accounts, a pretty happy and optimistic person. I try to give people the benefit of the doubt. BUT….you knew there would be a “but”….. Sometimes some thing happens that makes that inner bitch in me come out. The one sure-fire way to make that happen is to lie to me. To tell me an untruth. To feed me some completely bogus, BS line of crap. And that, my friends, is what happened today. It...

May 10, 2016

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Celebrating 58

Celebrating 58

On May 10, 1958, my parents tied the knot.  The rest, as they say, is history!               For their 50th in 2008, I made this video as their gift.   They received a special blessing at our church at the 4 o’clock Mass. Afterwards family and friends gathered at their old home for a celebration. (Read more about the Mass here: http://www.crazycatladymews.com/2012/05/10/it-all-started-with-a-dance/)                 Even though Dad...

Jan 8, 2016

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Babies, Bongos and Remembering Dad

Babies, Bongos and Remembering Dad

Although it is a week into January, this Christmas season keeps on giving! My “present” this Epiphany week came not from the Three Wise Men but instead came from our two grandsons when they were visiting with their parents (our son, Jeff, and his wife, Kristi) as we celebrated Jeff’s birthday. Several weeks before Christmas, I was at my parents old house and discovered that my dad’s old bongo drums were in danger of either getting thrown out...

Nov 29, 2015

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Advent Begins!

Advent Begins!

Symbolizing eternal hope, the wreath goes ’round and ’round, And where it starts or ends cannot be found. Woven of things that grow – for life, and hung for holiday delight, The wreath must be left in place From Advent through Twelfth Night. ~Unknown   Today is the first day of Advent – a time of anticipation, darkness and preparation. While we are shopping for the perfect gifts, baking the delicious cookies, cleaning and decorating the house, let...

May 7, 2015

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Facecrooks: Every Facebook User Should Check It Out...

Facecrooks: Every Facebook User Should Check It Out

I love using Facebook. I enjoy sharing information with my friends on it. I like catching up with family and old chums. And yes, I even like to engage in some political and religious debates on it. I use information from a website called Facecrooks to help me sort through the changes Facebook seems to continuously make to user account functionality as well as the many scams that seem to get posted – and reposted – on Faceook....

Apr 30, 2015

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It’s Not Too Late and You’re Not Too Old!...

It’s Not Too Late and You’re Not Too Old!

“You will never be able to leave that dog alone with your pet rabbit,” said the Veterinarian. She had spoken those words to me on the day my husband and I adopted a 3-year-old greyhound we named, Rosie. I often receive calls from adults who have received a new electronics device and are convinced they are either too old to learn something new or that it is too late for them to bother learning how to operate this...

Apr 25, 2015

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If I have Windows, does that mean I have an Office (Suite)?...

If I have Windows, does that mean I have an Office (Suite)?

When I purchased my first computer, back in the last century, it came preinstalled with quite a lot of useful software applications. Of course, it had an operating system (or OS). That OS was Windows 95. Over the past 18 years, there have been many new versions of the Windows Operating System, with the most recent being Windows 8.  Windows 10 is due to be released soon. (All new versions were supposed to have done away with all...

Mar 22, 2015

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Nemo Update

Nemo Update

Nemo is now almost a year and a half old! He is still the darling of the house, but is also like a “bratty teenager” now! Like our other felines, he spends the afternoons either asleep on our bed or he is perched on my desk, peering out the window!         2/15/15 2/15/15 – the afternoon kitty convention 2/20/15 – Nemo loves to help organize 2/25/15 – Nemo, pestering Dexter 2/25/15 – Begging 2/27/15 This...

Jan 11, 2015

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Now, the Work of Christmas Begins

Now, the Work of Christmas Begins

When the song of the angels is stilled, When the star in the sky is gone, When the kings and the princes are home, When the shepherds are back with their flocks, The work of Christmas begins ~Howard Thurman Today, at Mass we read about the Baptism of Christ Jesus. This is the time when I usually take down our Christmas decorations and pack them away until the coming December. It is usually a very sad time for me,...

Jan 6, 2015

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And suddenly the star they had seen rising went forward and halted over the place where the child was. The sight of the star filled them with delight, and going into the house they saw the child with his mother Mary, and falling to their knees they did him homage. Then, opening their treasures, they offered him gifts of gold and frankincense and myrrh. Matthew 2:9-11...

Apr 10, 2014

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It’s That Important

It’s That Important

I don’t usually share other people’s YouTube videos, but I think this one is That Important. It’s not just teens. Every day I am out there driving I see people of all ages talking or texting. You are NOT more important than the other people on the road. STOP IT...

Apr 3, 2014

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April 3, 2014. As young Nemo quickly approaches his 6-month birthday, he still manages to do something cute several times a day.   Today, he decided to enjoy an empty Cheerios box. Some of our other pets decided to check out what he was doing. First, Ellie Mae came to see what was going on. Next, Zecora got in the act. Even Chelsea, our oldest dog, had to see what was happening.    Smile! Young Nemo…peeking out… Here…....

Feb 14, 2014

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Nemo on Valentines Day

Nemo on Valentines Day

February 14, 2014. Nemo shares a little love with his pup,...

Jan 11, 2014

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Nemo: 14-weeks-old

Nemo: 14-weeks-old

January 11, 2014. I did not have original intentions to keep posting about Nemo and how many weeks old he is, however, it is hard to resist doing so when it annoys my oldest brother. So, here it is: Nemo is 14-weeks-old today! He continues to be a sweet cuddly kitten. He spends his days annoying the other cats, chasing the dogs tails or sleeping on my lap.  Below, enjoy a few other photos of Nemo from the...