Posted by Karen Zappavigna Hoogland | 0 Comments
November Thankful Challenge Day 30

November 30, 2013. Today, I am thankful that this challenge gave me incentive to reflect daily on my life. From little things to big things, I can always find something to be grateful for. I am also thankful that this challenge gave me a chance to get back into the routine of daily journaling and reflection. With November wrapping up today, it is time to head into the “most wonderful time of the year.” I will continue to...
Posted by Karen Zappavigna Hoogland | 0 Comments
November Thankful Challenge Day 29

November 29, 2013. Black Friday. Today, I am thankful that I am not one of the millions of people who work in retail. I am also not shopping. What are you thankful for today? ...
Posted by Karen Zappavigna Hoogland | 0 Comments
November Thankful Challenge Day 28

November 28, 2013. A Blessed and Happy Thanksgiving to all of my readers! While the retailers would have us all thinking about tomorrow and worrying that there are less than four weeks to shop for Christmas, I prefer to spend this day being mindful that we are able to share this day with family and friends because so many of our men and women are serving in our military. I am thankful for their sacrifices. What are you...
Posted by Karen Zappavigna Hoogland | 0 Comments
November Thankful Challenge Day 27

November 27, 2013. I do write quite a bit about cats – after all, I am a self-proclaimed crazy cat lady! However, I also have great appreciation for my canine furbabies. Their many years of faithful service have kept our floors clean of any dropped food from the humans who dine in our kitchen. Today, I am thankful for them! What are you thankful for today?...
Posted by Karen Zappavigna Hoogland | 0 Comments
November Thankful Challenge Day 26

November 26, 2013. Today, I am thankful for one of my recent kitchen purchases: The Deep Covered Baker, by The Pampered Chef. Seriously folks, on the days when I intended to cook in my crockpot, but could not manage to get the ingredients into it early in the day, this baker comes to my rescue! What are you thankful for today? ~Karen P.S. For those looking to purchase Pampered Chef items, or even have a party, contact my...
Posted by Karen Zappavigna Hoogland | 0 Comments
November Thankful Challenge Day 25

November 25, 2013. Today, I am thankful for the little things in life that make my work day more enjoyable: computer, smart phone, reliable car, wonderful home office and my feline helpers. Some times I take all of these things for granted, or I get annoyed when they do not work as I had planned. I will try to be more mindful of these blessings! What are you thankful for today?...
Posted by Karen Zappavigna Hoogland | 0 Comments
November Thankful Challenge Day 24

November 24, 2013. Today, I am thankful to be able to share these past 31+ years with my husband. While neither of us are ever perfect, through the years we have cultivated a life that is perfect for us – flaws and all. What are you thankful for today?...
Posted by Karen Zappavigna Hoogland | 0 Comments
November Thankful Challenge Day 23

November 23, 2013. Today, I am thankful for all of the experiences I have had which helped me to become the woman I am today. What are you thankful for today?...
Posted by Karen Zappavigna Hoogland | 0 Comments
November Thankful Challenge Day 22

November 22, 2013. Today, I am thankful for the warmth provided by cuddly furbabies on a chilly day. Pictured above: our dog, Kelly, with her kitties, Nemo and Ellie...
Posted by Karen Zappavigna Hoogland | 0 Comments
November Thankful Challenge Day 21

November 21, 2013. Today, I am thankful for Veterans and for those who support them by actually “walking the walk” My friends, Mary and Art James, own a company called HAYS Cleaning, based in Hickory Hills. Art is a Vietnam Veteran. Since May 2010, the couple gives back to other Veterans through the year by giving free 3-hour residential housecleanings to local Veterans. This month are not only doing the free 3-hour cleanings, they are also collecting Slim...
Posted by Karen Zappavigna Hoogland | 0 Comments
November Thankful Challenge Day 20

On this 20th day of November, I am thankful that our home, and those of many of our family and friends, were not damaged by the tornadoes and storms from this past Sunday. I also pray that those who lost loved ones, pets, homes and belongings may find the help that they need to recover from the many losses. What are you thankful for today?...
Posted by Karen Zappavigna Hoogland | 0 Comments
November Thankful Challenge Day 19

On this 19th day of November, I am thankful for the many little things that bring happiness into my life: A funny message from one of my sons My husband scooping the litterboxes That phone call from a friend “just because” The wagging tail of my happy dogs The peaceful purring of my felines What are you thankful for today?...
Posted by Karen Zappavigna Hoogland | 0 Comments
November Thankful Challenge Day 18

Today, I am thankful for non-drowsy cold medicine. That’s it! What are you thankful for today?...
Posted by Karen Zappavigna Hoogland | 0 Comments
November Thankful Challenge Day 17

On this 17th day of November, I am thankful for one of my favorite services: Netflix. Our household is one of the few that does not have cable television. Oh, yes, we did have it for a short time, but we found that we still ended up watching most programming from Netflix. I like being able to save a list of movies or shows that I want to watch at some future date. I enjoy watching programs that...
Posted by Karen Zappavigna Hoogland | 0 Comments
November Thankful Challenge Day 16

Wow! It is already November 16! Today, I am thankful that all three of our sons have inherited so many of the good things that I love about their father: Love of family Resourcefulness Sound work ethic Tremendously off-beat sense of humor Mechanical inclination Even though these things may manifest differently in the sons than they do in the father, it does not matter. Each son has applied these traits in his own unique way, with the same...
Posted by Karen Zappavigna Hoogland | 0 Comments
November Thankful Challenge Day 15

“What you see in the world around you is a reflection of who you are.” Today, on this 15th day of November, I am thankful that I make an effort every day to be happy and optimistic. I love that last line in this short story. I think it goes along with my view of seeing my glass as “half full.” On the days when I feel upbeat and positive, my world looks just that way. On the...
Posted by Karen Zappavigna Hoogland | 0 Comments
November Thankful Challenge Day 14

Today, on the 14th of November, I am thankful for the ability to crochet. I learned how to crochet from my paternal grandmother, Elvira, and my cousin Kathy. Over the years I have made many items for those that I love. From scarves and shawls to afghans and curtains, there is something special about crafting something from a skein of yarn that someone I love will wear or use. What are you thankful for today?...
Posted by Karen Zappavigna Hoogland | 0 Comments
November Thankful Challenge Day 13

Today, on November 13, I am thankful for texting. My use of texting has evolved over the years. It began when our oldest son started taking classes at the local college. Since he was only 14, I had to drive him and pick him up. There were only 2 or 3 public phones on campus so my husband and I decided to get him a cell phone so he could use it to text us when he was...
Posted by Karen Zappavigna Hoogland | 0 Comments
November Thankful Challenge Day 12

Today, I am thankful for being able to go through life with a “my glass is half full” mentality. I try to stay positive, no matter what is going on in my life. Bad things do happen. They even happen to good people. I believe that no matter what happens, there is something good in it. Of course, I may not see the “good” right away, but it is usually there. What are you thankful for today?...
Posted by Karen Zappavigna Hoogland | 0 Comments
November Thankful Challenge Day 11

Today, November 11, 2013, is Veterans Day. On this day, I thank all of the Veterans for protecting this great country. They are true heroes! What are you thankful for today? ~Karen P.S. For my local friends, check out the FREE 3-hour cleaning offer for Veterans from HAYS Cleaning, based in Hickory Hills,...
Posted by Karen Zappavigna Hoogland | 0 Comments
November Thankful Challenge Day 10

Today, on the 10th of November, I am thankful for my church community of Sacred Heart. This parish is small, but the people there are so genuine. I also love the historical aspect of this church, which began as a French-Canadian mission. The mission has a reputation as a place of healing. To this day, a prayer list is read at every Mass, noting the names of the ill, the deceased and those in need of special intentions....
Posted by Karen Zappavigna Hoogland | 0 Comments
November Thankful Challenge Day 9

On this ninth day of November, I am thankful for all of my pets. When life gets crazy and I realize I cannot count on whatever plans I made (while God laughed), I find that I can count on my various pets to be there waiting for me. They are waiting for dinner, waiting for company, waiting for a gentle pat on the head. There is something pretty sweet about having a team of furbabies waiting to simply...
Posted by Karen Zappavigna Hoogland | 0 Comments
November Thankful Challenge Day 8

Today, on November 8th, I am thankful for my love of reading. This was passed on to me from both of my parents. There is something wonderful about curling up with a good book, transporting myself to another time and forgetting the noise of my busy life. What are you thankful for today?...
Posted by Karen Zappavigna Hoogland | 0 Comments
November Thankful Challenge Day 7

On this seventh day of November, I am thankful for our beautiful home. We bought our house just over 28 years ago. Then, it was merely a house. Together, my husband and I, along with our sons, and countless pets, have made our house a home. What are you thankful for today?...
Posted by Karen Zappavigna Hoogland | 0 Comments
November Thankful Challenge Day 6

On this sixth day of November, I am thankful for music. I love all kinds of music: classical, country, pop, dance and rock and roll. I love to listen to music. And, sometimes, I even like to play music on my piano or my flute. What are you thankful for today?...
Posted by Karen Zappavigna Hoogland | 0 Comments
November Thankful Challenge Day 5

On this fifth day of November, I am thankful for the changing of the seasons. Living in the Midwest, I get to experience everything from hot and humid sunny summer days to crisp fall mornings and snowy blizzards. Of course, living in the Chicago area, sometimes I get to experience all four seasons in one day! What are you thankful for today?...
Posted by Karen Zappavigna Hoogland | 0 Comments
November Thankful Challenge Day 4

Today, on this 4th day of November, I am very thankful for our speedy internet service. After recently spending two weeks out in the country, with internet speeds about as quick as a turtle runs, I will admit to being a city girl at heart, with respects to available technology. What are you thankful for today?...
Posted by Karen Zappavigna Hoogland | 0 Comments
November Thankful Challenge Day 3

On this third day of November, I am thankful for that extra one hour of sleep. I do hate that “falling back” makes the nights seem longer, but I rather enjoy that extra sleep time. Too bad it throws of the eating schedule of all the pets! What are you thankful for today?...
Posted by Karen Zappavigna Hoogland | 0 Comments
November Thankful Challenge Day 2

Today, I am thankful for the ability to return to my pilates and yoga exercises. I injured my neck, left shoulder and left arm earlier this year and it has been a long recovery. Thanks to a terrific chiropractor and massage therapist, I have most of my mobility back. That said, I will not be breaking up any tile floors in the near future! What are you thankful for today?...
Posted by Karen Zappavigna Hoogland | 0 Comments
November Thankful Challenge Day 1

On this November 1st, I have seen this image pop up several times today on Facebook. I think I will rise to the challenge. Today, as always, I am thankful for my husband, David. He is a great husband, a dear friend, wonderful father and a man who knows what it means to be a hard worker. And, he loves puppies. And kittens. Especially the kittens. What are you thankful for today?...