Posted by Karen Zappavigna Hoogland | 0 Comments
Step into Autumn!

And all at once summer collapsed into fall. ~Oscar Wilde The back-to-school sales are long over. Halloween candy, Thanksgiving decorations and Christmas ornaments have adorned store aisles for several weeks. Still, to me, summer is not officially over simply because the school buses are delivering neighborhood children to and from the schools. Summer end when fall truly arrives! Good-bye Summer! Hello, Fall! This evening, the Fall Equinox is at 8:48pm. I always look forward to this time of...
Posted by Karen Zappavigna Hoogland | 0 Comments
Welcome, Zoey!

Yes, we did it again! Welcome to the newest addition to our family, Zoey! She is about 6 months old and we are happy to welcome her into our family. We adopted Zoey from Cache Creek Rescue, the same shelter where we adopted Baxter in October,...
Posted by Karen Zappavigna Hoogland | 0 Comments
Welcome, Baxter!

It’s been over a year since our Chelsea girl crossed over to the rainbow bridge. Our hearts have been open to adopting another dog. I wanted a female. Short haired. Small dog. And then, I saw this picture on Facebook. Bosco was his name. No, no, no! I thought, he looks like a lab mix. A big dog. A boy dog. Resist! I kept seeing his picture. This was posted on October 1, 2016. Look at that...
Posted by Karen Zappavigna Hoogland | 0 Comments
T-Mobile & Channeling My Inner B...

I am, but most accounts, a pretty happy and optimistic person. I try to give people the benefit of the doubt. BUT….you knew there would be a “but”….. Sometimes some thing happens that makes that inner bitch in me come out. The one sure-fire way to make that happen is to lie to me. To tell me an untruth. To feed me some completely bogus, BS line of crap. And that, my friends, is what happened today. It...
Posted by Karen Zappavigna Hoogland | 0 Comments
Celebrating 58

On May 10, 1958, my parents tied the knot. The rest, as they say, is history! For their 50th in 2008, I made this video as their gift. They received a special blessing at our church at the 4 o’clock Mass. Afterwards family and friends gathered at their old home for a celebration. (Read more about the Mass here: Even though Dad...