Posted by Karen Zappavigna Hoogland | 0 Comments
Two Turtle Doves

Merry Second Day of Christmas! Even as some are taking down the Christmas tree and other decorations, I will continue to celebrate the season! Why Two Turtle Doves on the second day of Christmas? The two turtle doves represent the two parts of the Bible: Old Testament and New Testament. Two more ideas for the second day of Christmas Sometimes the day after Christmas can feel like a let down. The preparation for The Big Day is done. ...
Posted by Karen Zappavigna Hoogland | 0 Comments
A Partridge in a Pear Tree

Merry First Day of Christmas! Since 2012, I have shared the meaning of each of the days from the beloved carol, “The Twelve Days of Christmas.” This remains one of my favorite carols. I love the symbolism in the carol….and I simply love the actual twelve days of Christmas. My mom always celebrated the 12 days and I enjoy carrying on that tradition. I have always held off decorating for Christmas until the first week of December. This...
Posted by Karen Zappavigna Hoogland | 0 Comments
Saying No Doesn’t Mean You’re for the Status Quo...

The ninth Democratic Presidential debate was held on Wednesday, February 19, 2020. I have not chosen my candidate yet because the Illinois primaries are still a month away. I liked what Pete Buttigieg said about Bernie Sanders because I do not think it applies to only Sen. Sanders – it applies to any of the candidates as well as any of their supporters. Mayor Pete said, “On issue after issue after issue this is what Senator Sanders is...
Posted by Karen Zappavigna Hoogland | 0 Comments
Friday Dance & Stretch

Today’s workout is 6 dance/walk videos followed by a short stretch. The walking part of workout is approximately 26 minutes of dance/walk videos followed by 5 minute post-workout stretch. This is the fifth in a series of 7 playlists that will include dance/walk and stretching/yoga videos. My Friday Playlist is approximately 31 minutes long: The dance/walk selections today are from REFITREV and Dance Faith Fitness. The closing video is from FitnessBlender. You can find the playlist on my...
Posted by Karen Zappavigna Hoogland | 0 Comments
Thursday Dance & Stretch

Today’s workout is 7 walk videos followed by a thorough stretch. The walking part of workout is approximately 29 minutes of dance/walk videos followed by 16 minute post-workout stretch. This is the fourth in a series of 7 playlists that will include dance/walk and stretching/yoga videos. My Thursday Playlist is approximately 45 minutes long: The dance/walk selections today are from PraiseFit Ministries and REFITREV. The closing video is from JessicaSmithTV. You can find the playlist on my YouTube...