Posted by Karen Zappavigna Hoogland | 0 Comments
On the First Day of Christmas

There is a misconception that the twelve days of Christmas are those days that lead up to December 25. Not true! Today, Christmas Day, is the first day of Christmas! The 12 days go through the Feast of the Epiphany, also known as “Twelfth Day.” In the olden, golden days, the twelve days of Christmas were a period of joyful prayer and a rest from unnecessary labor. Christmas tree lights would be lit and families would gather around...
Posted by Karen Zappavigna Hoogland | 0 Comments
Fourth Sunday of Advent

Most blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb. Luke 1:42 I love the gospel reading used in today’s Mass. From the book of Luke, the reading is about Mary’s visit with Elizabeth; both women are pregnant – Mary with Jesus and Elizabeth with John (the Baptist). Every time I have heard or read these verses, I have always wondered about the very human element of those involved. Certainly, these two unborn babies would...
Posted by Karen Zappavigna Hoogland | 0 Comments
Third Sunday of Advent

Father, I trust in your love. Teach me the way of surrender, the way of peace. The readings from today are about bringing everything to God, carrying for those in need and the hope and the promise of the coming Savior, Jesus Christ. In the wake of the shootings at the Sandy Hook School, in Newtown, Connecticut, these ideas seem particularly timely. People discuss how this could happen and what could have been done to prevent it from occurring....
Posted by Karen Zappavigna Hoogland | 0 Comments
Second Sunday of Advent

Father, I want to hear your voice today. Open my ears, so that I can here you; Open my heart, so that I can embrace you. On December 9, 2012, I had the privilege of participating in the Rite of Acceptance with Kristi. The Mass was offered at Holy Trinity Church, where she and my son, Jeff, have been attending. Our entrance into the Mass was quite dramatic. Following the Introductory Rites, the teens in our RCIA group...
Posted by Karen Zappavigna Hoogland | 0 Comments
First Sunday of Advent

O come, O come, Emmanuel And ransom captive Israel That mourns in lonely exile here Until the Son of God appear Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel Shall come to thee, O Israel. Today marks the first Sunday of Advent, that time when the colors in the church are a violet purple shade, the Advent wreath adorns the side altar, the Giving Tree is prominently displayed and we begin to prepare for the celebration of the birth of Jesus. Earlier this...