Oct 10, 2013

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Finding Nemo

On Tuesday, October 8, 2013,  I was doing some volunteer work for Catvando TNR. My husband and I have already fostered a couple of kittens for the organization. This particular afternoon, I was at their office doing some computer work. While there, a woman brought in this tiny kitten. He was so young that he still had the umbilical cord attached. He was initially dubbed “Itty Bitty Kitty.” Given that the little guy still had the umbilical cord attached...

Oct 10, 2013

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Nemo: 5-days-old

October 10, 2013. A short video from our second morning with Nemo. Note that Ellie Mae is right nearby, keeping an eye on...

Oct 8, 2013

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Nemo’s Corner

Nemo’s Corner

After several weeks of photographing and filming Nemo, the orphan kitten my husband and I took in on October 8, 2013, I decided to organize everything on my blog. I have been uploading photos and videos to my Facebook, but have been encouraged to gather them all in one place.  Perhaps visitors will be amused, fall in love with cats for the first time or simply gain some encouragement if they decide to take on the care of...

Sep 15, 2013

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See The Fly?

A common housefly can be a source of irritation. Or amusement and comfort. Growing up, my parents took my five siblings and I on many camping trips. On one of those adventures, a fly had gotten into the family tent. This turned into a contest of sorts when each of us would call out, “See the fly?” or “See the fly go by.” Quite silly, and still makes me laugh when I think about our dad saying these...

Jul 24, 2013

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It’s a Charlie Kind of World

Last Friday, July 19, I brought home Charlie, the latest foster kitten. This guy is a charmer. He is very different from the little sisters that I had last month. This guy is about 7-8 weeks old now and was trapped by an inexperienced trapper back on June 24. He is a feral and unfortunately the trapper didn’t get his mom or his three siblings. My mission is to socialize him, with the help of my own felines,...