Posted by Karen Zappavigna Hoogland | 0 Comments
Babies, Bongos and Remembering Dad

Although it is a week into January, this Christmas season keeps on giving! My “present” this Epiphany week came not from the Three Wise Men but instead came from our two grandsons when they were visiting with their parents (our son, Jeff, and his wife, Kristi) as we celebrated Jeff’s birthday. Several weeks before Christmas, I was at my parents old house and discovered that my dad’s old bongo drums were in danger of either getting thrown out...
Posted by Karen Zappavigna Hoogland | 0 Comments
Advent Begins!

Symbolizing eternal hope, the wreath goes ’round and ’round, And where it starts or ends cannot be found. Woven of things that grow – for life, and hung for holiday delight, The wreath must be left in place From Advent through Twelfth Night. ~Unknown Today is the first day of Advent – a time of anticipation, darkness and preparation. While we are shopping for the perfect gifts, baking the delicious cookies, cleaning and decorating the house, let...
Posted by Karen Zappavigna Hoogland | 0 Comments
Facecrooks: Every Facebook User Should Check It Out...

I love using Facebook. I enjoy sharing information with my friends on it. I like catching up with family and old chums. And yes, I even like to engage in some political and religious debates on it. I use information from a website called Facecrooks to help me sort through the changes Facebook seems to continuously make to user account functionality as well as the many scams that seem to get posted – and reposted – on Faceook....
Posted by Karen Zappavigna Hoogland | 0 Comments
It’s Not Too Late and You’re Not Too Old!...

“You will never be able to leave that dog alone with your pet rabbit,” said the Veterinarian. She had spoken those words to me on the day my husband and I adopted a 3-year-old greyhound we named, Rosie. I often receive calls from adults who have received a new electronics device and are convinced they are either too old to learn something new or that it is too late for them to bother learning how to operate this...
Posted by Karen Zappavigna Hoogland | 0 Comments
If I have Windows, does that mean I have an Office (Suite)?...

When I purchased my first computer, back in the last century, it came preinstalled with quite a lot of useful software applications. Of course, it had an operating system (or OS). That OS was Windows 95. Over the past 18 years, there have been many new versions of the Windows Operating System, with the most recent being Windows 8. Windows 10 is due to be released soon. (All new versions were supposed to have done away with all...