Dec 28, 2023

Posted by in Articles & Essays, CHRISTmas, The 12 Days of Christmas | 0 Comments

Four Calling Birds

Merry Fourth Day of Christmas!

Why 4 Calling Birds on the Fourth Day of Christmas?

Four Calling Birds represent the four Gospels and Evangelists: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.

Today is also the Feast of the Holy Innocents

This feast day has always made me cringe as I think about how King Herod ordered all baby boys in Bethlehem and the surrounding areas who were aged two years or less killed. He was so fearful when he learned of the birth of baby Jesus from the Magi, the three kings from the east, that he sought this terrible slaughter.

During this joyful 12 Days of Christmas, the Catholic Church made today a feast day to honor the little ones, the very young lives lost to the mad man, Herod. I think we need more in the world like St. Elizabeth; during this massacre she hid herself and her infant son, John, in the hills. The very hills opened by God to conceal them in safety.

As such, St. Elizabeth is the patron saint of pregnant women. The Catholic church celebrates her feast day on November 5th, but I believe it is good to honor her on this day, the fourth day of Christmas, too.

Perhaps today, my readers will take a moment to say a prayer for the protection of all pregnant women and their unborn babies, along with all others who are considered a threat, an inconvenience or somehow less worthy.

Merry Christmas,



Christmas waves a magic wand over this world, and behold, everything is softer and more beautiful.
~Norman Vincent Peale

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