Feb 16, 2011

Posted by in Family Life, Home Education, Politics, SB 136, Teaching | 0 Comments

Contact Sen. Ed Maloney to Oppose SB 136

Please contact Sen. Ed Maloney, and let him know that you oppose SB136. This bill proposed all non-public students be required to register with the state. Now, he plans to amend it so it only affects homeschoolers. Registration is not necessary and it will be costly – this does affect the entire community. Please call/fax/email Sen Maloney to oppose this bill. His contact information:
Email: emaloney@senatedem.ilga.gov

District Office:
10444 South Western Ave.
Chicago, IL 60643
(773) 881-4180
(773) 881-4243 FAX

Springfield Office:
Senator 18th District
311 Capitol Building
Springfield, IL 62706
(217) 782-5145

Status of the Bill: http://www.ilga.gov/legislation/BillStatus.asp?DocNum=136&GAID=11&DocTypeID=SB&LegId=54913&SessionID=84

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