Nov 7, 2013

Posted by in Articles & Essays, Cat Antics of the Day, Nemo's Corner, Pets | 0 Comments

Nemo: Becoming Like the “Big Cats”



Nemo and I, after his midnight feeding on 11/6/13

Nemo and I, after his midnight feeding on 11/6/13

November 7, 2013. Young Nemo is becoming more like the big cats every day! He is now using a litterbox and is starting to show interest in his “babycat” food. I am still bottle feeding him every day, but will be slowly weaning him from that after he turns six weeks old.

Last night, I moved him into the big crate. There is enough room in there for his litterbox, along with a small house to sleep in. Because it is cold and he is still pretty small, I do have the heat pad on for him. He gets pretty upset when I put him back in the crate, complaining loudly about being in there. Usually, one of my female cats will go in the room with him and that seems to settle him down.

Every afternoon he spends quite a bit of time in my office, often falling asleep on my lap. In the evenings, he is hanging out in the family room with my husband and I, along with the other furbabies. 

I imagine that by the first of the new year he will have the run of the house! In the meantime, we are enjoying his cute little self! See below for a few photos from yesterday and today. 



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