Posted by Karen Zappavigna Hoogland in Articles & Essays, Cat Antics of the Day, Nemo's Corner, Pets | 0 Comments
Nemo: 9-days-old and Traveling

Nemo, 9-days-old, in his carrier while in our truck. He would sleep the entire 2 hour drive on our first day.
October 14, 2013. My husband and I had a trip planned for several months. When I took Nemo home with me, back on October 8, 2013, it was only supposed to be for a few days. I knew we were leaving on the 14th and was not planning to cancel a trip because of a kitten. My husband, however, suggested that we just take him with us. Since we were going to visit friends, who are also fellow animal lovers, I gave it some serious thought. I pondered it and pondered it for a long time. Two-seconds after David’s suggestion, I agreed that Nemo would travel with us.
I ended up getting a dufflebag style carrier, with openings on both the top and the sides. Because of his young age, I had to bring heating pads to keep him warm. I brought the small electric one and also my microwaveable heat pad. Since he needed to eat every 2 to 2 1/2 hours, we made our driving plans with that in mind. The first leg of our trip was only about a 2 hour drive. Nemo slept through the entire trip.
The next day, our plan was to hit rest stops so we could feed and potty him, along with truck stops to reheat the microwaveable heat pad. Nemo did quite well. I was amused that when we did stop at a rest area, not one person made a comment about me feeding such a young kitten.