Dec 10, 2012

Posted by in Advent, Articles & Essays, CHRISTmas | 0 Comments

Second Sunday of Advent

second sunday candleFather, I want to hear your voice today.
Open my ears, so that I can here you;
Open my heart, so that I can embrace you.

On December 9, 2012, I had the privilege of participating in the Rite of Acceptance with Kristi. The Mass was offered at Holy Trinity Church, where she and my son, Jeff, have been attending.

Our entrance into the Mass was quite dramatic. Following the Introductory Rites, the teens in our RCIA group pounded on the door. The priest asked who was there and the leader of the group responded that it was people who wanted to come in and be part of the church. We processed in as a group and then each sponsor presented each Inquirer and Candidate to the priest, who called them by name and blessed them. The sponsors were also given the opportunity to bless the one that he or she is mentoring. It was at that moment, in my blessing of Kristi, that I felt such a powerful connection to both her and my Church.

As her sponsor, I felt blessed to share this very special moment – and this faith journey – with Kristi. I look forward to continuing the journey with her, my son, the rest of our family and the Church community.

Until next time,

Your lives will be filled with the truly good qualities which only Jesus Christ can produce, for the glory and praise of God.
Philippians 1:11

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