Jun 21, 2012

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Chase Bank is Still Screwing Up

Two years ago, we switched our personal and business accounts from Chase Bank to Marquette Bank  because of lack of customer service. In that process, we changed our mortgage payments to be deducted from the new bank. Unfortunately, our mortgage was also with Chase Bank. They were supposed to have started withdrawing from our new account in July 2010. Unfortunately for us, they took it in June 2010, causing us nearly $100.00 in overdraft fees. Multiple letters and phone calls later, they did send us a letter of apology and a check for $100.00. (Read my original post on this here.)

Let’s move forward to present day. We are currently refinancing our mortgage with a different bank. Lo and behold! Chase put a “comment” on my credit report that reads, “Consumer disputes this account information.” Isn’t that nice? So now I have been trying to get them to remove this comment, again  THEIR error, from my report.

Message to all: If you are still banking with Chase Bank – be sure to check your credit report to see what they screwed up.

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