Jun 25, 2011

Posted by in Articles & Essays, Politics | 0 Comments

Concealed and Carry Laws

The Wisconsin House and Senate both passed a bill to allow law abiding citizens carry concealed handguns. This makes Illinois the only state that does not.

In a recent article in the Daily Caller, Illinois Governor Pat Quinn was quoted as saying, ““About two-thirds of the people of Illinois are strongly opposed to that proposed idea and public safety comes first. We should listen to the everyday people of our state when it comes to their safety that carrying loaded, concealed weapons by private persons in public places is something that is not going to enhance public safety.”

Based on the Illinois House vote in May, it looks like two-thirds of  Illinois representatives, who represent “everyday people,” voted in favor of concealed carry in Illinois. The House vote was 65 – 32; 71 are needed to pass.

It is time for Illinois to allow its’ citizens, law abiding citizens, to legally own and carry a gun if they choose. The criminals, thugs and gangbangers have been doing this for decades.

If Quinn were really interested in what the “everyday people” have to say, perhaps our state would not be the financial disaster it has become. At the very least, if concealed carry laws are passed in Illinois, the state may generate some income from the fees paid by citizens who apply for permits.

Read the full article here: http://dailycaller.com/2011/06/24/wisconsin-set-to-legalize-concealed-carry-illinois-stands-alone/

Regarding the vote in May 2011: http://www.myfoxchicago.com/dpp/news/metro/ilinois-house-vote-concealed-carry-weapon-gun-firearms-law-quinn-20110505

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