Jun 28, 2009

Posted by in Family Life, Pets | 0 Comments

Meet “The Boys”

I realize that I may be in serious danger of becoming the “crazy cat lady.”

Apparently, this condition has slowly taken over my life these past 18 months or so, since the acquisition of my first kitten, Jethro. It was furthered by the addition of my second kitten, Dexter, this past October.

I have always been a self-proclaimed dog lover. I never really considered having cats because many family members are allergic to them. However, the addition of “the boys” to my household has made me realize that cats are pretty much the perfect pets for a woman like myself. They are independent, but also eager to visit with the other members of the household. They seem to adapt to the ever changing schedule of my household – as long as their food dish is full. They can go from being totally asleep, in the full throes of the famous “cat nap,” to being completely awake in a matter of seconds.

As I have grown accustomed to the cats in my household, I have also considered adding another cat or two to the brood as time goes on.

My sons have informed me that once I have three or more cats, I will be officially dubbed “The Crazy Cat Lady.” I’m thinking that I am already there. And, that’s just fine with me!

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